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2022.03.07Classes & Students
Interview with the author of the graduation anthology
I had the interview two students who wrote the cover page of this year's graduation anthology. [Click here to pictures of graduation ceremony]
2022.03.01Classes & Students
There was a presentation in the research class and the advanced class.
2022.02.28Classes & Students
Welcome to the world of fairy tales
In the intermediate class, we performed folktale activities. This time, instead of a group, we challenged four pictures and speeches by ourselves. The… [Read more]
2021.12.15Classes & Students
Advanced class / questionnaire result analysis presentation
The results of the analysis of each type of content, which was completed in the school before the completion of the development. Overseas students als… [Read more]
2021.12.13Classes & Students
Japanese culture research presentation
There was a presentation in the Japanese culture class. "Japanese food culture," "flower arrangement, Ikenobo" "Yosakoi Festival," "Haruki Murakami," … [Read more]
2021.12.06Classes & Students
International student Senryu contest result announcement
An international student Senryu contest was held in the Japanese culture class. Introducing the winning works decided by the votes of the teachers. … [Read more]
2021.12.01Classes & Students
Experience interacting with high school students
Last month, there was an exchange event between YIEA and a high school in Kanagawa prefecture. It was a very valuable experience to have a conversatio… [Read more]
2021.09.01Classes & Students
YIEA offers a two-week summer online course for students living abroad who "want to learn Japanese!". Among the students who participated, some of t… [Read more]
2021.08.30Classes & Students
The students of the beginner class who participated in the online class from abroad published a composition for the summer vacation. The theme is "My… [Read more]
2021.07.15Classes & Students
Many new students are coming to the Kanji class in the summer semester. In this class, students from different countries and classes are gathering to … [Read more]