News and Blog
2019.01.30Classes & Students
Mock Election, learning about Japanese politics
Learning about Japanese politics in the "Academic Japanese" elective class. Students prepared manifests, made speeches and a mock election was held at… [Read more]
2019.01.23Participation & Partnership
Interviewed by high school students
Upon receiving invitation from N High School, a few of our students visited the school and happily responded to interviews by the high school students… [Read more]
2019.01.21Yokohama +
Was looking out of an 18th floor window in the Minato-Mirai area when I realized it was flood tide. That water line is really high. Livingin a harb… [Read more]
2019.01.14Culture & Seasons
Coming-of-Age Ceremony in Yokohama
The Coming-of-Age Day is celebrated around mid-January every year. Other than the traditional celebrations with families, the municipalities also hold… [Read more]
2019.01.07Culture & Seasons
rice porridge with seven spring herbs
It is customary to eat rice porridge with the seven spring herb on January 7th every year. The herb porridge is said to bring health for the coming y… [Read more]
2019.01.02Culture & Seasons
Imperial Palace drew large crowd
One of the customary events during the New Years is the public congratulatory visit to the Imperial Palace on January 2nd. It is a time when anyone ca… [Read more]
New Year’s holidays (business hours)
2018 has been a fruitful year for us here at Yokohama International Education Academy. We celebrated the 30th anniversary of our establishment and… [Read more]
2018.12.23Culture & Seasons
Last time celebrating the Emperor’s Birthday on Dec. 23rd
Do you know why Dec. 23rd is a holiday? It is because it's the Emperor's birthday. Since the present emperor will abdicate on April 30th next year, th… [Read more]
2018.12.22Culture & Seasons
Different cultures celebrate winter solstice in different ways. In Japan, people usually eat pumpkin dishes and soak in yuzu citrus bath. The most pop… [Read more]
2018.12.18Yokohama +
The school is located along the "Momiji-zaka (autumn foliage hill)" . True to its name, we see beautiful autumn colours every year. This ye… [Read more]