News and Blog
2020.08.20Classes & Students
Today’s One Frame – Advanced level-
Students from the Advanced level class interviewed teachers on the topic of "Young people’s language". Everyone was nervous at first, but they used r… [Read more]
2020.08.10Culture & Seasons
This is because 60%-70% of Japan's land is mountainous. There was a suggestion that it is strange that Japan, a country of mountains, does not have … [Read more]
2020.08.07Culture & Seasons
Today is beginning of Autumn. According to the calendar, it should be the peak of the hot summer to cross the border and begin to feel the breath of… [Read more]
2020.08.04Culture & Seasons
The rainy season is over, and it's finally midsummer!
2020.07.27Classes & Students
YIEA is also in summer! The summer semester started today with a new class. Let's study for 3 months while being careful about your physical condition… [Read more]
2020.07.24Culture & Seasons
"Sports Day" is a national holiday in October which was moved to July 24th for this year. The reason is that the opening ceremony of the Olympic Gam… [Read more]
2020.07.23Culture & Seasons
"Marine Day" is one of Japan's national holiday. Japan is an island country surrounded by the sea. Therefore, the sea is very familiar. It is a day … [Read more]
2020.07.15Classes & Students
On the 14th and 15th, there were a final exams and interview for the spring semester. How was everyone's exam? Did you talk a lot with your teacher? … [Read more]
2020.07.13Classes & Students
There was a "Composition Presentation" in the Intermediate NA 1 class. The theme is "Future plans". Everyone proudly announced their feelings and fut… [Read more]